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Jennifer Treu

Jennifer Treu, Owner, Head Baker, Designer

I am a 1997 graduate of De Pere High School and a 2000 graduate of the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point with a Bachelors of Music. After graduating, I moved with my husband Jarret to Iowa where he was employed as a youth pastor in a local church. 


In 2002, Jarret went back to school and out of necessity I found a job working in a Wal-Mart bakery decorating cakes, not knowing that eventually it would lead to a career. Two years later, we moved home to WI. In 2007, my daughter Lydia was born and in 2008 we constructed our first WI home, licensing the commercial kitchen in the lower level. In March 2014 we welcomed our second little miracle Natalie. 


2019 became an extremely exciting year as our NEW bakery home was found and we began investing our time and energy in making our building in Denmark, WI the perfect place to welcome you with deliciousness.


My hobbies (when I have time for hobbies!) include reading fantasy fiction with lots of dragons and magic and stuff that probably would make you roll your eyes, directing and helping direct stage musicals (I’ve done THIRTEEN so far), and eating way too much chips and salsa. 


Life sure takes lots of twists and turns, doesn’t it? Through all the of crazy with growing children, almost 23 years of marriage, job changes, and the many, many things to do and try and grow and fail, some things DON’T change. My love for our family, my obsession with show tunes, and of course making beautiful and delicious desserts that give people joy in a world where sometimes joy is hard to find. 

Ampersand Cake Co. LLC
Women Owned Bakery
Jennifer Treu
Woman Owned Bakery
Family Bakery Business
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